1 /**
2  * This module focuses on methods for writing articles to disk.
3  *
4  * Article storage is broken into two parts, meta data and markdown content.
5  * A folder location may be specified but markdown content will always be stored
6  * in a sub folder `articleContentFolder`.
7  */
8 module articlewriter;
10 import vibe.core.log;
11 import vibe.data.json;
13 import std;
15 import devto.api;
17 /**
18  * This is the structure used to store article meta data as Json to disk.
19  *
20  * This content is pimarily defined from the devto API, where `content_file`
21  * is a separate field used to define the relative filesystem location of
22  * the markdown file to the meta file.
23  */
24 struct ArticleMeta {
25     @optional string title;
26     @optional bool published;
27     @optional int id;
28     @optional int organization_id;
29     @optional string canonical_url;
30     @optional string description;
31     @optional string main_image; // Cover image
32     @optional string series;
33     @optional string type_of;
34     @optional string[] tags;
35     @optional string content_file;
36     @optional string slug;
38     /**
39      * Construct a Meta article from `ArticleMe`.
40      *
41      * Useful when processing existing articles from the devto API.
42      */
43     @safe pure nothrow @nogc
44     this(ArticleMe me) {
45         canonical_url = me.canonical_url;
46         description = me.description;
47         id = me.id;
48         main_image = me.cover_image;
49         published = me.published;
50         series = "";
51         tags = me.tag_list;
52         title = me.title;
53         type_of = me.type_of;
54         slug = me.slug;
55     }
57     /**
58      * Convert Meta data into `ArticleCreate`.
59      *
60      * Useful to call devto api to create an article.
61      *
62      * This does not retrieve the `content_file` from disk, it will be require
63      * to add the `body_markdown` after making this conversion.
64      */
65     @safe pure nothrow @nogc
66     T opCast(T : ArticleCreate)() {
67         ArticleCreate ac;
68         ac.title = title;
69         ac.published = published;
70         ac.series = series;
71         ac.main_image = main_image;
72         ac.canonical_url = canonical_url;
73         ac.description = description;
74         ac.tags = tags;
75         ac.organization_id = organization_id;
76         ac.slug = slug;
77         return ac;
78     }
79 }
81 /// This defines the sub folder for storing articles.
82 enum articleContentFolder = "Articles";
84 /**
85  * Separate the Meta data and Content for easier disk writing and retrieval.
86  */
87 alias Article = Tuple!(ArticleMeta, "meta", string, "content");
89 /**
90  * Given a range of `ArticleMe` separate the data into meta data and content.
91  *
92  * Returns: Range of `Article`
93  */
94 @safe pure nothrow
95 auto structureArticles(Range)(Range articles) if (isInputRange!Range
96                                             && is(ElementType!Range == ArticleMe)) {
97     return articles.map!(x => Article(ArticleMeta(x), x.body_markdown));
98 } unittest {
99     auto exampleResponse = `[
100   {
101     "published_at":null,
102     "canonical_url":"http://example.com/",
103     "comments_count":0,
104     "page_views_count":0,
105     "id":12345,
106     "published":false,
107     "body_markdown":"Content Body",
108     "title":"Article Title",
109     "description":"",
110     "tag_list":[
111       "testing"
112     ],
113     "type_of":"article",
114     "slug":"slugger"
115   }]`.parseJsonString.meArticles;
117     ArticleMeta ans;
118     ans.type_of = "article";
119     ans.id = 12345;
120     ans.title = "Article Title";
121     ans.description = "";
122     ans.main_image = "";
123     ans.published = false;
124     ans.tags = ["testing"];
125     ans.canonical_url = "http://example.com/";
126     ans.series = "";
127     ans.slug = "slugger";
129     import std.algorithm;
130     import std.conv;
132     assert(structureArticles(exampleResponse).equal([Article(ans, "Content Body")]));
133 }
135 /*
136  * Creates an iopipe output range for characters to the filename specified.
137  */
138 @trusted
139 private auto fileWriter(string filename) {
140     import iopipe.valve;
141     import iopipe.textpipe;
142     import iopipe.bufpipe;
143     import std.io;
145     return bufd!char
146         .push!(p => p
147             .encodeText
148             .outputPipe(std.io.File(filename, mode!"w").refCounted))
149         .textOutput;
150 }
152 /**
153  * Meta information about pathing for article content and meta data.
154  */
155 private struct Paths {
156     /// Location article content/markdown is stored.
157     string articleSaveLocation;
158     /// Location meta data is stored.
159     string metaSaveLocation;
160     /// Article content location relative to metaSaveLocation,
161     /// stored in meta data.
162     string articleMetaPath;
163 }
165 /*
166  * Creates a path relationship for an article.
167  */
168 @safe pure nothrow
169 private Paths articlePaths(string folder, ArticleMeta am)
170 out(path) {
171     assert(path.articleSaveLocation != path.metaSaveLocation, "Can't save to same file");
172     assert(path.articleSaveLocation.endsWith(path.articleMetaPath), "Meta Reference to Article File must match.");
173     assert(!path.articleSaveLocation.find(folder).empty, "Save Locations should utilized specified folder");
174     assert(!path.metaSaveLocation.find(folder).empty, "Save Locations should utilized specified folder");
175 } do {
176     Paths ret;
178     auto filename = am.slug;
179     assert(isValidFilename(filename), "Article Name Conflicts with valid file name.");
181     ret.articleMetaPath = buildPath(articleContentFolder, filename.setExtension("md"));
182     ret.articleSaveLocation = folder.buildPath(ret.articleMetaPath);
183     ret.metaSaveLocation = folder.buildPath(filename.setExtension("devto"));
185     return ret;
186 } unittest {
187     ArticleMeta meta;
188     meta.title = "Article Title";
189     meta.slug = "article_title_oul3o";
190     articlePaths("someLocation", meta);
191 }
193 /**
194  * Writes articles to specified folder.
195  *
196  * Article content will be stored in `articleContentFolder` as a sub folder.
197  *
198  * Params:
199  *     articles = Build from call to `structureArticles()`
200  *     folder   = Filesystem folder location to place articles
201  *
202  * See Also:
203  *     structureArticles, Article, articleContentFolder
204  */
205 @safe
206 void saveArticles(Range)(Range articles, string folder) if(is(ElementType!Range == Article))
207 in(buildPath(folder,articleContentFolder).exists, format("Create direcorty `buildPath(\"%s\",articleContentFolder)` before calling to save articles.", folder))
208 {
209     @trusted
210     void saveArticle(Article article) {
211         import std.algorithm : copy;
212         auto paths = articlePaths(folder, article.meta);
214         article.meta.content_file = paths.articleMetaPath;
215         article.content.copy(fileWriter(paths.articleSaveLocation));
216         article.meta.serializeToPrettyJson.copy(fileWriter(paths.metaSaveLocation));
217     }
219     articles.each!saveArticle;
221 }